Aulnay-sous-Bois Parks Way

The Parks Way aims to open up the residential clusters on the fringes of the département and to create an ecological link that can be used by cyclists, connecting all the parks in Seine-Saint-Denis. When it crosses the commune of Aulnay sous-Bois, the itinerary is composed of the cycle path itself, accompanied by different planting strategies that play the role of an ecological corridor and structure the public space. In a landscape marked by the presence of large built-up areas, this will both make life easier for the cyclist, redevelop the RD40 road and create a façade for large parks (those of Sausset and Ballanger) in the public space via a plant embankment.
Conceptual studies Pre-project 2012 / Project 2013
Contracting authority
Seine-Saint-Denis département council
Project manager
Florence Mercier Paysagiste
Surface area
Length: 3km
Conceptual studies Pre-project 2012 / Project 2013
Contracting authority
Seine-Saint-Denis département council
Project manager
Florence Mercier Paysagiste
Surface area
Length: 3km